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Free An ancient darkness has awakened causing the opposing realms
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Aeria Games & Entertainment, Inc.
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When the world was still young and new, the inhabitants of the realm lived in peace and harmony. The guardian spirits looked upon this and felt their creations complete and whole.
Without another glance they departed, believing it safe from harm. But the Holy Nine Tailed spirit was doubtful. She understood the weaknesses of man and knew one day that the world would fall into chaos.

Determined to do everything in her power to prevent this, she sacrificed the last of her powers and created spirits that would coexist with the elements of the world.

As her consciousness began to fade, the Kitsu came forth. Small fox-like creatures, they entered the world in quiet and began their vigil. They were silent creatures, ever present yet never seen.

Time passed, and though the Kitsu were long-lived, many began to notice their powers beginning to fade and their place in the world starting to crumble.



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